Friday, June 28, 2013

#15 Sunglasses Day

#15 Sunglasses Day
June 27, 2013

Our challenge today included shopping for new sunglasses (we've got it so hard, don't we?). The funny thing is two of us had just purchased a brand new pair. While we continue to search for those 'just right' sun shielders, enjoy a few, mostly odd pictures and remember - it's summer in Africa, so no judgement. ;)

The cats wanted to show off their shades as well...actually they did NOT want to participate at all, but we wanted them to want to.

Peace! (fyi - I was peacing too, just with the other hand! haha)
More to come...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

#13 National Log Cabin Day

#13 National Log Cabin Day
June 25, 2013

Our challenge today was to create a log cabin from a box of supplies! We had a great time creating quite the masterpiece, don't you think?

We did use 1 supply of our own - a lil cardboard went into creating a stabilizing roof.

The door is appropriately round like many here.

We have imported watermelon growin' here too!

Speaking of log cabins, isn't this lil thing the cutest! I might have to get me one of these if I can't decide where to live when I get back. And it comes on wheels! 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

#14 Adopt a Cat Month

#14 Adopt a Cat Month
June 26, 2013

When Jordan, who's quite allergic, heard about today's holiday she quickly replied, "We ARE NOT getting another cat!!" And she's right, two is a good number.

Today Bnaya and Chess got some new toys from our friends and boy did they LOVE them!!

Chess is loving his new squishy ball!

Thank you D, C, and triple Rs! ;)

Bnaya got a new ball too!

She was having a time trying to figure it all out.

"Oh, I think I'm liking this"

All fours up!

In swoops Chess to steal Bnaya's ball...somehow his wasn't as fun as hers. haha.

It seems that today is an appropriate time to tell the stories of how we came to adopt these two lucky things! There are cats everywhere here, so many, that it's a sad situation because they usually don't make it very long.

Bnaya's story - September 2012

Toward the end of August, as I was walking through the medina (old city-perhaps my favorite part of town) with a new friend, we spotted a stray kitten and I stopped to gawk affectionately at the pitiful creature like all girly-girls are entitled to do.

Upon seeing my actions, my friend says,"Do you want it? If you see a cat and you want it, you can just take it."

No, I didn't just take the cat, but I began to consider it. A few weeks later, Beth and I had decided that we wanted a kitten to keep us company, something to come home to and care for - It may sound silly, but it really is the little things when living overseas that make all the difference.

We searched and searched for the perfect fit and finally found a small kitten hiding out next door to a friend's house. Little Bnaya was a clever little kitten, too! One evening, while we were trying to catch her she quickly hid under a nearby car. And of course we looked most odd crawling under cars and squatting down to grab her, so there were plenty of locals who joined in on our cause. One guy moved the car, but then Bnaya ran into someone else's courtyard. They let us in to look for her and we ended up going around and around the house, but she successfully avoided us. We decided to give it a rest and look again the next day. 

The next afternoon our friend found a paper airplane that the neighbor had sent over the wall with a secret message that said,"Need backup to catch the naughty cat! The cage girl and glove girl are required. Meet at 17:30 ...message sent by air force from the neighbor's fields..." We were impressed with the wittiness and English proficiency of the letter.

We were finally able to secure the scaredy cat and Beth snatched her up by the neck then looked frantically at us as if to say, "I got her! What do I do now?" So we all yelled, "The cage, the cage. Put her in the cage!"

It took Bnaya some time to adjust to her newly refined lifestyle and she's still a little skittish but she sure is a sweet girl and loves to catch bugs!

The ironic thing about it all is that we now live in the very house with the courtyard where we rescued Bnaya. 

Baby Bnaya

Chess story - May 2013
One cat was more than enough for me, but one day on our walk home we found the tiniest little kitten crying loudly. Poor little Chess was stuck in a trash bag. We don't know if he was thrown out in the trash or if he got lost looking for food. It quickly became quite apparently that he'd been away from his mother for quite some time. So we took him to the vet, then fed him from a syringe for several weeks. It's a wonder he survived, but now he's growing too quickly!

It took Bnaya a little time to figure out what Chess was...It was like she didn't even realize that she was a cat until she saw a little one. Now they are the best of friends!

Palm size baby Chess

#10 National Chocolate Eclair Day

#10 National Chocolate Eclair Day
June 23, 2013

Now here's a holiday I could celebrate weekly! ;)

Check out this recipe on how to make your own eclairs!

We certainly enjoyed making and eating ours!

#11 Pain in the Neck Day

*If you're just joining the fun, some friends of ours gave us notes to open every day this summer, along with information about a holiday so that we would have something to celebrate while they are away.*

Summer Extension Pack
#11 Pain in the Neck Day
June 22, 2013

Who would've guessed there would be such a thing? Unfortunately, I'm spending today quite far away from my brothers. ;)

Anyway, here's the quite random story behind the holiday:
According to lore,  St. Audrey was the patron saint against neck pain. Originally named Ethelreda, she was a young English princess who was widowed before her first marriage was consummated. After taking a vow of virginity, the maiden remarried, but fled to a mission to avoid relations with her new husband. Eventually, she developed a large tumor on her neck and took to wearing scarfs to cover it.

Celebrations of the holiday include the wearing of colorful scarfs or going to the spa. We opted to wear colorful scarfs...ALL the colorful scarfs we could find.

Beth said, "Brandi, your elbows are blocking me!"

Brandi replied, "Now my elbows are blocking you!"
Jordan and Brandi decided to do a 'Charlie's Angels' pose!
Beth then displayed her elbow proudly.

Fun times!

Pain in the Neck Day Celebration
And just for fun, a random scarf picture for y'all:
Pharaoh, Pharaoh...

Monday, June 24, 2013

#12 International Fairy Day

#12 International Fairy Day
June 23, 2013

This is the day to celebrate those fictional creatures who, according to Peter Pan, are created from the first baby's laugh. To enjoy this strange holiday, we plan to watch an interesting retelling of the Peter Pan story, Finding Neverland.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

#9 Summer Solstice

#9 Summer Solstice
June 21, 2013

The longest day of the year!

Our sneaky friends planned a Summer Solstice Party for us! So we headed over to a friends house to enjoy a plethora of summer fun!

But first we made sun tea! Unfortunately no one had a chance to try it, because it got dropped on the floor, so we'll just have to give it another try!

So many fun activities to celebrate Summer's official beginning: hand cranked homemade ice cream, BBQ and lots of great food, watermelon seed spitting contest, water balloon toss, splash splash in the kiddie pool, and fun continued on!

We especially loved the beach balls!
 Summer is here!

Happy summer to you! Hope you are able to take some time to play and relax!

Friday, June 21, 2013

#8 Ice Cream Soda Day!

#8 Ice Cream Soda Day
June 20, 2013

The recipe from

1/4 cup milk
3 tablespoons chocolate syrup
1 cup vanilla ice cream (or 1 large scoop)
club soda (cold) or seltzer water (cold)
canned whipped cream (optional)

1. Pour the milk into one tall 16-ounce glass.
2. Stir in syrup.
3. Add in ice cream and enough soda water or selzer to fill almost to top of glass.
4. Top with whipped cream if desired.
5. Serve with a long spoon and a big straw.

And a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

#7 World Sauntering Day

#7 World Sauntering
June 19, 2013

Sauntering (verb) - describes a style of walking; it is not a sashay, prance, trot, or lollygag; simply to walk slowly preferably with a joyful disposition.

What does International Sauntering Day exist? To remind us to take it easy, smell the roses, to slow down and just enjoy life!

Beth and Jordan sauntering through the local "thrift-like" place and shopped their hearts out...with a joyful disposition, I'm sure!

#6 Splurge Day

#6 Splurge Day
June 18, 2013

While June 18 is also known as National Panic Day, we decided Splurge Day would be easier to celebrate. So we skipped all the panic and just splurged!

Our first splurge was a visit to our favorite coffee shop, where we tried fancy coffees and mini-donuts!

Our next splurge (yeah, were traveling anyway, so we figured we'd make a day of it!) was a lil beach time!

And then we enjoyed some delicious ice cream, which was already the since it was splurge day, I decided I needed an extra scoop!

We concluded Splurge Day by returning home and finally watching The Office series finale. What a fun day filled with simple indulgences!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

#5 Mustache Day

#5 National Mustache Day
June 17, 2013

One of my personal favorites so far has been Mustache Day!

Our challenge for the week was to find great looking mustaches around town and the one with the best 'staches would win a prize! It didn't take us long:

Brandi's pic: Not the adorable Jordan or Beth, but the guy in the background

Jordan's pic
Beth's pic
So who do you think is the winner?

We decided we were all winners and shared the prize of some lovely and delicious Belgium chocolates!

We decided to join in on the fun and make mustaches of our own!

Monday, June 17, 2013

#4 Father's Day/Fresh Veggies Day

#4 Father's Day/Fresh Veggie's Day
June 15, 2013

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful Daddy! I love you so much and I am so thankful for the time we were able to see each other recently! All my love!

For Fresh Veggie's Day our challenge was to find and try a new vegetable or fruit...which we did, and somewhat regretted. The melon we tried was not very tasty...but now we know. ;) 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

#3 World Juggling Day

#3 World Juggling Day
June 15, 2013

Our challenge today was to learn to juggle. haha! We were even given some lovely hackie sacks to practice with. Enjoy our ridiculous attempts to juggle. More words aren't really necessary.

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