Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Abnormality to Normality

Just a few weeks after arriving to Africa, another ex-pat asked me, "So how has your week been? Anything out of the normal happened?" 

At that point in time I was like, "Well, everyday is still pretty much all out of the normal for me." And I wondered what 'normal' would look like here, and if I'd ever achieve it. 

The beginning of September was when our washing machine drain pipe decided it was clogged, resulting in a mini flood in our apartment.

No, our floors aren't squeaky clean...just flooded.

Needless to say, an event like this forced us to reconfigure our plans for the day and delay language studies. But as we were playing in the puddles, I realized that this was an out of the ordinary day. I don't when or how it happened, but somewhere along the way, life in Africa became, dare I say it, normal. It's certainly a new kind of normal, that bares little resemblance to things I formerly used the word to reference, but it still seems like some small kind of victory.

"For [He] is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations." Ps. 100:5  

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