Wedding season is upon us here along the Med! Weddings, Engagements, and the entire "dating" process in general is one of the things that's most different from my home culture. It's taken me some time to figure it all out...and I doubt I actually know as much as I think I do. :) But for this week's blog series, we'll start at the wedding week and maybe one day soon, I'll get around to explaining all that's involved in the dating and getting engaged process.
Instead of one large wedding ceremony and reception, here they have what I like to call a "Wedding Week." Which can be different for everyone but generally involves 3-4 large parties. One of our dearest friends recently got married, so I'll walk you through each of the ceremonies this week. Her events took place on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so check back on each of those days for a new blog post on local weddings!
I'll leave you with this caravan of wedding attendants, a sight that is seen quite often and all over the city this time of year:
And a preview of our friend's Wedding Week:

Looking forward to reading more about the weddings! A wedding week... isn't it hard enough just to have a wedding day??? Hahahaha!!!