I feel quite behind on the blog updates. Sorry to the masses who read this, I know you've been dying for a new post, but this one's a little random. ;)
With December came the hunt for Christmas decorations. This year more than ever I realized that decorating for Christmas doesn't necessarily make me feel religious but American. It's the attitude of my heart that makes Christmas so special as I reflect on the greatest Story ever told, but it's the decorations and delicious food that cause me to identify with my home culture.
We started with a Charlie Brown tree that we found at a used clothing/nik nak store called the freep. |
We also found this funny ornament. It says,"First Born (Mom's Favorite)." Which I feel is quite accurate for me...and all my other siblings - Mom makes us feel like each of us is somehow her favorite, even miles away. ;) |
December 1 a local French store hoisted up their selected number of trees and we upsized (don't worry we didn't abandon the Charlie Brown tree. It got decorated with a string of popcorn and placed on the opposite side of the tv). We were also able to watch CBC's Christmas program! At random sections, David O and Scott R sounded more like chipmunks than grown men though. |
Bnaya even got into the Christmas spirit by unraveling half the ribbon in North Africa. We decided she just meant to be festive because out of 4 different colors, she only unravelled red and green and...well, just look at that "I didn't do it" face. |
It got a little chilly here for awhile, so I was quick to bundle up - 2 pairs of pants + 3 pairs of socks + feet on top of the space heater = it's just time to go to bed and get under 3-4 blankets! |
Spent one Saturday morning baking 8 dozen sugar cookies for a friend's English Club, where we were able explain the reason for the season! |
yum, yum! |
And one of my favorite events of the season was singing Christmas carols with friends! It was delightful. It is, however, not exactly easy to take a photo while holding an open flame...sorry for the blurriness.
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