Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Under the Sea

In March, we were invited to join our friends in celebrating a big birthday and graduation. So off we traveled to the Northern coastline, along the Med, for everyone's first experience scuba diving.

The weather was cooler and rougher than we expected...it was even raining! 

Huddled together before we took 'the plunge'!
The waves were rocking so hard, I could barely keep my balance  while putting on the already wet, super tight shoes. Beth had to assist me. haha.
Yay! I'm finally in all the getup and I'm about to go scuba diving! 
The first few minutes in the water were definitely a little scared. It feels so unnatural to be underwater and taking deep breaths at the same time. But my 'guide' was great and it wasn't long before we were in a good rhythm and going deep down under. It's like a whole new world under the sea! Words really aren't adequate.

After my dive and before Beth's turn. We look ridiculous!

I went scuba diving but now I'm really cold and wet! If cameras add ten pounds, then wet suits add 50! haha
The divers! Happy Birthday Randi!
Can't wait to go back and enjoy some more underwater scenery!

Monday, April 1, 2013


I've always admired my mother's beautiful and seemingly effortless quilts, but my preteen attempts at sewing a 12" block together quickly discouraged me from perfecting the skill. I felt like I spend more time threading the needle or repairing a mistake than I actually spent sewing or quilting. For a friend's Christmas present, I decided to give her a practical gift since I knew she would be moving soon. So, with a lot of help from my ever-so-patient mother,  I spent about a month working on and finishing my first 'real' quilt. I'm proud to tell you that I've nearly perfected the skill of fixing my mistakes, even though threading a needle still sets me back quite a bit.

This new hobby has really become something I enjoy doing, especially during those long winter nights. Despite the fact that quilting seems like SUCH an old woman pastime (yes, go ahead say your sarcastic remark, I know you're thinking it. But then, no more judgement :), I've found it nearly therapeutic this past year probably because it's one of the few things in my life where I can see where I'm going, and see the progress along the way. From the beginning stitch to the finished product, every time I work on it, I walk away seeing the progress. Whereas so much else in my life relies on believing that the progress is happening but not seeing it yet. Anyway, it's a good feeling to work with your hands and finish a project, right?

Have a look at 18 months worth of long winter nights:

The quilt that began it all (on the right)...I still haven't quite finished quilting that one. And another quilt to match on the left.

I wish I would haven't started with a simpler design. Hey, go big or go home, huh?

A quilt Beth and I worked on together for a friend.

Another joint effort. A quilting circle of one isn't much fun. This is primary made from leftover fabric and old shirts.

The latest and greatest! ;) For my Granna!

Beth's in on the fun too!  This is one of her masterpieces - the cat likes it too!

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