Tuesday, July 2, 2013

#19 Joke Day

#19 Joke Day
July 1, 2013

It's no joke that today is National Joke Day. Our special treat, today (besides a note filled with cartoon jokes) was Chinese Fortune Cookies filled with jokes). I can't wait to open them up!

Any favorite jokes? Tell me about them! I've recently opened the comments section, so anyone can comment! So drop a line! Meanwhile, enjoy a few cheap shots.

This one would particularly funny if you could see the insane sunburn I  managed to get yesterday when we went swimming. Attempting to be thankful for the annual reminder of the Sun's strength and why God made me a human, not a lobster!


  1. I've got a cartoon joke on my desk... it would be funnier if you could see the picture, but just picture it...

    A toothbrush and a roll of toilet paper are talking to each other:

    Toothbrush: "Sometimes I feel that I have the worst job in the world!"

    Roll of Toilet Paper: "Yeah, right!"

    Just puts everything into perspective! haha!

    1. Haha! Yes! I needed that perspective today! It could always be worse, right?


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