Sunday, July 21, 2013

#37 National Lollipop Day

#37 National Lollipop Day
July 20, 2013

I'm really loving how most of these holidays involve delicious food! ;) That's something I can always celebrate!

Interesting fact: George Smith, the owner of a small American candy store, came up with the sweet's name. In the early 1900's, he called the candy a "lollipop" after his favorite racehorse, Lolly Pop.

Growing up, I always remember calling such sweet candies suckers, seldomly referring to them as lollipops. So now, I'm just plain curious to find out - is there a difference between a sucker and a lollipop? Or is it the same thing, with different titles depending on where you grew up?

ps- don't worry we enjoyed some lollipops before we even thought to take a picture!

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