Saturday, November 30, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 30

November 30, 2013

Today I'm thankful because I'm gonna be an aunt!!!

I've been holding my lips squeezed tight for a few weeks now, and decidedly it'd be a great way to end out this #30daysofgivingthanks! My sister and her husband are expecting a baby sometime next June and I could not be more thrilled! I'm so excited that I should hopefully be home in time to welcome little baby Lee into the world! So thankful for this special little miracle. Congratulations Bethany and Mark! 

Friday, November 29, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 29

November 29, 2013

Today I'm thankful for the #30daysofgivingthanks!

This little tradition has helped cultivate an attitude of thankfulness in me and challenged me to look past the obvious for reasons to give thanks. In some way, I think my creativity has been stretched as well, but if nothing else, my writing/photography habit has grown in consistency. 

Thanks to all of you who take the time to read these posts!

30daysofgivingthanks: day 28

November 28, 2013

Today I'm thankful for Thanksgiving day and dinner!

We have learned the art of substitution around here and managed to compile some delicious and "pass-for-normal" Thanksgiving dishes today! Collectively we enjoyed 3 turkeys, stuffing and dressing, cornbread, potato rolls, veggies and dip, cheese potatoes, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, corn, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, chocolate pie, cherry pie, and sweet tea! What a great day gathered with friends and enjoying delicious food and fellowship. There was even a Nertz tournament!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 27

November 27, 2013

Today I'm thankful for F.R.I.E.N.D.S!

Yes, the real kind, but also my TV comedy series. Amongst preparation for Thanksgiving dinner, we gathered round and watched a few of my favorite Thanksgiving episodes [for the inquiring minds: S03E09 The One with the Football and S08E09 The One with the Rumor]. Sometime before November ends, I'd like to just have a FRIENDS Thanksgiving marathon!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 26

November 26, 2013

Today I'm thankful for downtime, books, helpful children, and scenic drives!

We're running close to the end of November and thus, the end of the 30 days of giving thanks, so I had to double...or quadruple... up today. We're doing some traveling with Beth's family and this morning while they went traipsing across the Sahara on camels, I sat in the hotel room and read a book. I know, I sound like such a dud, but to be honest...I had a really great day. 

Well, until I thought I'd clean out the car and throw away all the trash before I went to pick Beth and her family up...that's when things got interesting because I accidentally threw the car keys away with all the other trash. And not just into any trash can, but into a chest high trash can with several clusters of men, teenagers, and children watching me. I should have added being a woman to my list of thankfulness today, because I doubt I would have gotten any sympathy as a grown man...I would've had to climb into that dumpster myself. Instead, I pulled the "I'm a helpless woman" card with some young teenagers standing nearby. They came over to help by stirring the trash like an old witch's kettle, which wasn't really helping. The magic trick was the 10 year old kid that rode up on his bicycle, hopped right into the trash bin and pulled the keys straight up. I was so relieved that I had the keys back...and that I don't live in that city and will hopefully never have to show my flustered face there again. ;)

After "the incident" I did manage to enjoy the scenic drive to pick up everybody from their exciting camel ride. 

The video's a little blurry and shaky, mostly just from the whole changing gears thing and unfortunately a little overcast, but hopefully you still can get an idea of what it looked like. 

What are you thankful for today?

Monday, November 25, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 25

November 25, 2013

Today I'm thankful for my grandparents!

G & G @ Bethany's wedding (2012)
My grandparents are such amazing people! They are incredibly talented and gifted in so many different areas and they make a great team! These two have a lot of faith in me, too! In fact, I think they believe in me more than I believe in me. :)

I love y'all Granna and Grandpa! Can't wait to see y'all soon!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 24

November 24, 2013

Today I'm thankful for fried chicken!

Beth cooked a good ole' traditional Southern meal for all of us today: fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans! There was so much delicious food and I loved having a table full of people to share a meal with! 

Here's what was left after we'd seen the chicken:
The cats sure did love digging into all those bones, too!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 23

November 23, 2013

Today I'm thankful for visitors!!

Some of Beth's family made it into country yesterday and we are already having too many laughs! It's always a pleasure to welcome people from back home to this strange and different land that we now call home. It's also very eye-opening. When they're cringing over cars coming into our lane of traffic or staring at sheep on the side of the road, I all of sudden remember that not of that is "normal." It's funny and a little scary at how adapted one can become to a new culture.

Welcome to Beth's parents and cousin! And thanks for the suitcases full of goodies! ;)

Friday, November 22, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 22

November 22, 2013

Today, I'm thankful for my brothers!

It's only fitting after a shout out to my sisters yesterday, that I mention my cool brothers today!


The age difference between Caleb and I is 15 years, which somehow keeps us close! Caleb loves to think and ask questions about things. He's so intrigued by the why of everything. I sure do miss you Caleb! See you before too much longer! Love you!


My "little" brother, Joshua, has grown so tall that I can now call him my big, little brother. If you could see how he towers over me in height, I'm sure that idiomatic expression would make perfect sense! Joshua and I both seem to have been bitten with the travel bug. I'll never forget our trip to Mexico and I can't wait to see the world with him! Love you bro!

 And one more picture that I love of the boys, even though I'm sure the flowers will make them cringe. ;)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 21

November 21, 2013

Today I'm thankful for my sisters!

I've been so blessed to be the big sister to five siblings, three of which are girls! I love my sisters so much! Even though we're far away, I love watching them grow and discover what His plan is for them.


I recall a recent Skype conversation with my youngest sister, Katie, involving a story about stapling her finger. She didn't bat an eye, while I'm cringing days after it'd happened. The funny thing about Katie is that she can roll with the punches! Nothing ever seems to get her down or get the best of her. And she may look small, but she can outwork us all! I love you Katie Rose!! Can't wait to see you next year!


I was 13 years old when Hannah was born, so she was something of a "real live baby doll" to me. I've loved watching the products of her creativity over the years. She's always busy learning something new or making something. She's probably already a better cook than I am, too! Love you Hannah!


During our childhood, let's just say that Bethany and I weren't the best of friends. She's three years younger than me and our personalities couldn't be more opposite. When we got in trouble, Mom threatened to send Bethany to her room as punishment (which is harsh for an extrovert like her). But when I was the one needing correction, she'd threaten to tie me to Bethany. Somehow over the years, we've grown closer together and learned how to appreciate the different way He's made us!

I love you, Sister!

Bethany and I at her wedding rehearsal (I know you've seen it before, but I haven't seen her since, so...)

30daysofgivingthanks: day 20

November 20, 2013

Today I'm thankful for internet!

I used to joke with my family that I was born in the wrong era because I was simply fascinated with the 1800's as a child...ok, early teen. Especially now that I'm living countless time zones and continents away from family and many friends, I can't imagine life without the internet! Skype, email, Facebook, and blogging are all a vital part in how I connect with everyone I love. 

So today I'm so thankful for the internet!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 19

November 19, 2013

Today I'm thankful for the Friend!

There's so much to be said about the friend, I'll have to make it brief. I think she'll understand (when she reads it next year) why later. We have so many memories together. Memories of adventure, troubles, hilarious situations, sad days; some memories new and some memories old, some to share and some to hold. 

Somewhere along the way our given names were no longer sufficient and we started calling each other friend. Apparently friend in a Southern accent has a different ring to it because one day a new friend walks up to me and says, "Hey Fran! How's it going?" (or something to the equivalent). 

I simply stared back at home with a quizzical brow, "Who?"

"Oh, I thought your name was Fran because that's what Beth always calls you,"

I love you, Fran! My life is blessed because of you!

Today's Challenge: Experience the Moment!

Too often we focus more on what we need to do tomorrow or next week than we do on what's happening today. Today, live in the present and be thankful for it - from raking leaves to planning your Thanksgiving dinner.

Monday, November 18, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 18

November 18, 2013

Today I'm thankful for sweet things!

Today I'm thankful for sweet things, like my mother's peanut butter cookie recipe, and sweet moments that will stay with me for a lifetime! Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!

Today's Challenge: Path Day

Today give thanks to dad for everyone who crosses your path - like the cashier at Burger King or the person delivering your morning paper.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 17

November 17, 2013

Today I'm thankful that He who calls, equips!

On days when I'm at my weakest, He proves Himself strong!
In my many moments of doubt, His faithfulness shines through!
When He gives me an impossible calling; He equips and uses me to accomplish His purposes!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 16

November 16, 2013

Today I'm thankful for sleeping in my own bed!

It's amazing what a good night's sleep in your own bed will do for a body. I'm thankful for soft pillows, mattresses, foam toppers, and comfy covers! And I'm off to enjoy them all!

Friday, November 15, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 15

November 15, 2013

Today I'm thankful for Jordan!

It may seem odd to be thankful for Jordan today because actually flew home this morning, but looking over the past 5 (or 6?) months together makes it a little less sad. We've really loved having Jordan live with us and we've made a LOT of memories together!

Silliness and Games!

Top left: Summer Extension Pack - Beginning of Summer celebration
Top right: Summer Extension Pack - Sunglasses Day
Middle Right: Summer Extension Pack - Teddy Bear Picnic
Bottom Left: Summer Extension Pack - Video Games Day
Bottom Right: Summer Extension Pack - Pain in the Neck Day


Happy 23rd Birthday!

Culture and Holidays!

Top Left: A Local Parade!
Top Right: A Friend's Wedding
Bottom Left: Fourth of July Celebrations
Bottom Middle: A Friend's Wedding
Bottom Right: Local Holiday

Shaved Ice!

Jordan's survival was made possible by snow cones!


Our amazing and cool trip to Paris!
Thanks for the memories and the sacrifices you made here! We love you, Jordan!

ps- Even the 9Tatus are protesting your leaving:

Today's Challenge: Thank Therapy Day

Make a list of 10 people you are thankful for, then call one of them and tell them they are are on your top 10 list.

What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 14

November 14, 2013

Today I'm thankful for my parents!

You may think you come from cool people, but let me tell you, my parents are the greatest! These are the folks that took care of me when I was little, passed down their talents and gifts, and have earned respect through living every day for Him! 

My dad is a passionate person and it's hard not to love the things he loves. Working with my dad as a teenager at a local camera shop gave me a love for photography. Every good photo I take is dripping with his advice (and every bad photo I take is from when I didn't listen). For that and so many other reasons, I'm proud to call him my daddy!

Mom, on the other hand, is about as easy going as they come. She's relentlessly serving and also gifted with the written word. I'm always amazed at how quickly she can whip up a poem! She is one of my biggest supporters and has the longest "listening span"of anyone I know; I love sharing my heart with my Momma because I know she's always listening...even if there are a dozen other people begging for her attention.

I love that my parents have never been pretentious with me (well, not since the Santa Claus incident, anyway. hehe). When they don't have the answers, they tell me and we figure it out together. When they don't think I'm making the best choice, they tell me that but still let me make it if I want. When I say I'm going to New Orleans in the middle of the night, they say, "I wish you would have woken me up to go with you!" But the best part of having awesome parents is that they become your best friends as you grow up. These are people that I absolutely treasure and I was thrilled to see them here on my side of the water this past June! 

I love you, Mom and Dad!

Today's Challenge: Positive Thoughts Only!

Okay, this one will take some work, but strive today to think only positive thoughts about other people and situations you find yourself in. You'll be amazed at how this improves your day - and you're likely to find how your positive attitude affects others as well!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 13

November 13. 2013

Today I'm thankful for adventure!

Growing up I wasn't always one to try new things, and, in general, I find that I rather enjoy comfortable and normal things. But somewhere in high school, the travel bug bit me and I just can't seem to stop traveling to new places and trying new things! Although to be honest, I generally like to see someone else try it first, and then, I'll give it a go.

I've been so blessed that the path the Father has chosen for me has been one that is FULL of amazing adventures!! Just in the past 18 months, I've traveled to at least 6 new countries, met dozens of people whose names I can't pronounce, and learned to speak (yes, I use the term "speak" lightly) a new language! The path of obedience may be an uphill climb, but it holds beautiful vistas along the way!

From fish pedicures in Barcelona to petting monkeys in the Amazon Rainforest, scuba diving in the Mediterranean Sea to riding camels in the Sahara Desert, Christmas in Bethlehem to eating Swiss chocolate in the Swiss Apps, my life has been full of surprises and unexpected adventures!

Today's Challenge: Little Things Make a Difference

We often ignore the little things in life that make life easier and better for us. Today, make a list of "little things" that you appreciate. For example, indoor plumbing, refrigerators, computers, etc...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

30dayofgivingthanks: day 12

November 12, 2013

Today I'm thankful for indoor plumbing and water heaters!

We're just returning from a trip to the Sahara Desert (which is a funny name, in and of itself, because the word for sahara is actually desert; so it's like saying let's go to the Desert desert, which is just odd). I'll definitely have to fill y'all in on all our adventures at a later time, but for now, after spending a night sleeping in sand, today, I'm thankful for indoor plumbing and hot water heaters! A long, hot shower after a camping trip is a huge blessing!

Today's Challenge: Thank a Veteran Day

Monday, November 11, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 11

November 11, 2013

Today I'm thankful for my pets!

When my parents first moved to Colorado a few years back, leaving me and my sister still at home, the first thing we did was get a puppy! Sweet Selah Ray was something of a runt, but she has the sweetest disposition for a predominantly German Shepard mutt.

Selah Feb. 2011

Mississippi weather was too much for Selah, so she's gone to live with my parents on a lovely 10 acres of wide open spaces. I think she loves it there, but I sure miss her!
Me and Selah Dec. 2011
Bnaya and Chess are our African cats. You can get the full scoop on them here, but for now, here's a few pics.
Baby Bnaya

Bnaya - This cat loves getting under a blanket!

Baby Chess

Chess's job for the week is clearly to protest Jordan's departure!
So today I'm thankful for furry friends that warm the heart!

Today's Challenge: Wake Up and Smell the Roses Day

We all get so busy that we can ignore the wonders all around us - like the smell of coffee in the morning, the roses in the backyard, or a friend who drops by to say hello. Today, take the time to notice your surroundings and give thanks for the things we often take for granted.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 10

November 10, 2013

Today I'm thankful for coffee!

I never really started drinking coffee until I chaperoned a middle school trip, and even then I could only drink the frufru kind. But in recent years, my roommate has gotten me quite addicted! The morning just isn't right without a hot steaming cup of coffee, still with creamer and sugar, of course.

I'm also incredibly thankful to all of you who have provided delicious coffee from back home! It really does make everyday feel a little more comfortable and familiar, even when everything else around us is quite foreign! Thanks for the coffee!

Today's Challenge: Give Thanks for the Word

Offer up thanks to the Father for giving us His words! Ps. 119:105

Here's a special look at the Thanksgiving Wall in our house:

Some of my personal favorites (to protect the special bonds of roomies, I'll leave the quotes anonymous):

"I'm thankful that Brandi is no longer on Codeine."

"I'm thankful that I didn't die while trying to exercise!"

"I'm thankful for peanut butter."

"I'm thankful for Dove Chocolate Philosophy."

"I'm thankful that Arabic doesn't have linking verbs!"

"I'm thankful for Pepto Bismal."

Leave a comment and let us know what YOU are thankful for!

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