Tuesday, November 12, 2013

30dayofgivingthanks: day 12

November 12, 2013

Today I'm thankful for indoor plumbing and water heaters!

We're just returning from a trip to the Sahara Desert (which is a funny name, in and of itself, because the word for sahara is actually desert; so it's like saying let's go to the Desert desert, which is just odd). I'll definitely have to fill y'all in on all our adventures at a later time, but for now, after spending a night sleeping in sand, today, I'm thankful for indoor plumbing and hot water heaters! A long, hot shower after a camping trip is a huge blessing!

Today's Challenge: Thank a Veteran Day


  1. Hope y'all had a great trip to the Desert Desert!!! JJJ Mr. Chris and I were just talking yesterday about an interesting overnight journey we had in the desert in the ME. Welcome back to your own bed, indoor plumbing and hot water heaters!

    1. We had a great time! And it was great skyping with you tonight, too!

  2. I still have doo doo in my booty.


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