November 19, 2013
Today I'm thankful for the Friend!
There's so much to be said about the friend, I'll have to make it brief. I think she'll understand (when she reads it next year) why later. We have so many memories together. Memories of adventure, troubles, hilarious situations, sad days; some memories new and some memories old, some to share and some to hold.
Somewhere along the way our given names were no longer sufficient and we started calling each other friend. Apparently friend in a Southern accent has a different ring to it because one day a new friend walks up to me and says, "Hey Fran! How's it going?" (or something to the equivalent).
I simply stared back at home with a quizzical brow, "Who?"
"Oh, I thought your name was Fran because that's what Beth always calls you,"
I love you, Fran! My life is blessed because of you!
Today's Challenge: Experience the Moment!
Too often we focus more on what we need to do tomorrow or next week than we do on what's happening today. Today, live in the present and be thankful for it - from raking leaves to planning your Thanksgiving dinner.
I love you too, Fran!