Friday, November 15, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 15

November 15, 2013

Today I'm thankful for Jordan!

It may seem odd to be thankful for Jordan today because actually flew home this morning, but looking over the past 5 (or 6?) months together makes it a little less sad. We've really loved having Jordan live with us and we've made a LOT of memories together!

Silliness and Games!

Top left: Summer Extension Pack - Beginning of Summer celebration
Top right: Summer Extension Pack - Sunglasses Day
Middle Right: Summer Extension Pack - Teddy Bear Picnic
Bottom Left: Summer Extension Pack - Video Games Day
Bottom Right: Summer Extension Pack - Pain in the Neck Day


Happy 23rd Birthday!

Culture and Holidays!

Top Left: A Local Parade!
Top Right: A Friend's Wedding
Bottom Left: Fourth of July Celebrations
Bottom Middle: A Friend's Wedding
Bottom Right: Local Holiday

Shaved Ice!

Jordan's survival was made possible by snow cones!


Our amazing and cool trip to Paris!
Thanks for the memories and the sacrifices you made here! We love you, Jordan!

ps- Even the 9Tatus are protesting your leaving:

Today's Challenge: Thank Therapy Day

Make a list of 10 people you are thankful for, then call one of them and tell them they are are on your top 10 list.

What are you thankful for today?


  1. Hey Sis! You are on my top ten list! I would call and tell you.. but I woke you up last time I called around this time! :) Love ya lots!

  2. B and B are definitely on my list of people for whom I am thankful. I miss y'all and am looking forward to seeing y'all!!!

  3. I just saw this! (i'm playing catch up on blog reading!) Thanks B. I sure am thankful for y'all and all you walked me through while I was there. Miss you. Skype soon before I go crazy!


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