Sunday, November 3, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 3

November 3, 2013

Today I'm thankful for cool weather!
Not only does it make everyone a little more relaxed,
it finally feels like fall here along the Med.

Cool weather brings quilts in abundance,
lights candles aglow,
warrants more than one cup of coffee,
and makes cozy slippers a "go!"

We experienced a lovely thunderstorm yesterday afternoon, even though the forecast called for 0% chance of precipitation. So I think the temperatures actually dropped below 60* last night! It may not sound like much but in these cement houses with open windows - the cool comes in and lingers! It's an exciting thing, especially after the feelings of perpetual summer we experience even in October!

Sometimes our house looks like quilt center! It's a popular new hobby of all three of us. We just finished a scrappy baby quilt for a friend of ours that's expecting. We were all pleased with the way it turned out. Hope she likes it because it looks like she's gonna need it!

Bnaya girl especially loves a curling up under a quilt. Every time she sneaks into my room, I find a heap underneath my blanket. 

Today's Challenge: Thank God for Today. All we really have is today. Thank God for giving us this day...after all He is the one who made it! See Ps. 118:24


  1. YAYYYYYYYY for cooler weather! Just last night I was wondering if it had started to cool off there. It makes Poly a very happy guy to know that summer may FINALLY be ending there!

  2. Yes! The weather is actually quite nice these should come see it for yourself!


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