Wednesday, November 13, 2013

30daysofgivingthanks: day 13

November 13. 2013

Today I'm thankful for adventure!

Growing up I wasn't always one to try new things, and, in general, I find that I rather enjoy comfortable and normal things. But somewhere in high school, the travel bug bit me and I just can't seem to stop traveling to new places and trying new things! Although to be honest, I generally like to see someone else try it first, and then, I'll give it a go.

I've been so blessed that the path the Father has chosen for me has been one that is FULL of amazing adventures!! Just in the past 18 months, I've traveled to at least 6 new countries, met dozens of people whose names I can't pronounce, and learned to speak (yes, I use the term "speak" lightly) a new language! The path of obedience may be an uphill climb, but it holds beautiful vistas along the way!

From fish pedicures in Barcelona to petting monkeys in the Amazon Rainforest, scuba diving in the Mediterranean Sea to riding camels in the Sahara Desert, Christmas in Bethlehem to eating Swiss chocolate in the Swiss Apps, my life has been full of surprises and unexpected adventures!

Today's Challenge: Little Things Make a Difference

We often ignore the little things in life that make life easier and better for us. Today, make a list of "little things" that you appreciate. For example, indoor plumbing, refrigerators, computers, etc...


  1. OMG! Can you bring me home that cute little mokey!!!!! I think it would go great with my four little kitties! :)

  2. Will you send my the cute girl holding the monkey!
    And to think at one time you would hardly leave your room.


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